Meet the Driver
Marty Wittenberg
Who do you currently drive for? L&L Site Services
What kind of truck do you drive? 2019 Kenworth W-900
How long have you been driving? 44 years
What made you want to be a truck driver? Growing up as a kid, I would go on trips with my dad hauling heavy equipment
What do you love about the Belgrade Christmas Convoy? Putting smiles on the kids' faces and bringing the community together
What’s your favorite trucker song? Teddy Bear by Red Sovine
What’s your favorite Christmas tradition? Even without kids, my wife and I have always decorated our house - inside and out - to the fullest for 40 plus years.
Anything else you would like to tell us about your trucking career? It has been a very fulfilling and never boring. I'm just shy of 3 million miles, and still going!
Thank you to all our Truck Village and Convoy Drivers!